Crix - Present Spain (short Vid)

Ltbrgt ltbrgt gibbons imprisoned for more than a week was released after two muslim members of britain house of lords met with the president omar al bashir of sudan and the teacher sent the president a declaration that she didn mean to offend anyone with its draft class. Ltbrgt ltbrgt hard line muslim clerics in sudan denounced gibbons saying she deliberately sought to insult islam. The day after his trial thursday several thousand sudanese massed in central khartoum to demand that gibbons be executed. Ltbrgt ltbrgt quotgillian should never have been arrested in the first place let alone given jail. Ltbrgt ltbrgt gibbons left the sudan on monday evening flying from dubai to london. Quotltbrgt ltbrgt quot i was very upset to think that i could have done to offend people quot she added.
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