Korea Funny

I had a fabulous time. Ltbrgt ltbrgt gibbons imprisoned for more than a week was released after two muslim members of britain house of lords met with the president omar al bashir of sudan and the teacher sent the president a declaration that she didn mean to offend anyone with its draft class. The students took the bear house to write about this newspaper which were then compiled into a book with the bear image on it and the title quotmy name is mohammed quotsaid school. Ltbrgt ltbrgt quoti m just an ordinary average age of primary teachers. Ltbrgt ltbrgt al bashir opponents of the sudan said that his government had probably leave if gibbons move forward to create anti anger at a time when it is resistant to western peacekeepers in darfur the force of peacekeeping. Ltbrgt ltbrgt quotcommon sense has prevailed quot british prime minister gordon brown said in a statement expressing delight over gibbons liberation.
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